
With the holiday season upon us, educators’ schedules are fuller and stress levels are often higher. At school, students are squirrely and eager to see what the holidays bring or they’re anxious about the holiday break because it lessens their sense of security. Regardless, the school days are hectic and draining for teachers. Then at home, there are family schedules to coordinate, parties to attend, and gifts to buy. There is no rest for the weary educator.

Therefore, this time of year, your educators’ standard self-care routine may not suffice. One bath will not make up for hours of pouring into your students. A quick workout may not cure the burnout you’ve been battling since October. During this season, you must feed yourself and your soul more.

Give Back

Educators give every part of themselves: their time, money, and energy. This time of year, “teacher tired” feels like a scene from The Walking Dead so the concept of giving back may not be at the top of your to-do list. You do that all day and you have the achy feet to prove it. But you may be surprised at how recharged you feel if you switch your focus to another person or organization in need. The metroplex is full of volunteer opportunities. Here are just a few:

Dallas Life – the largest homeless shelter in North Texas

SPCA of Texas – a network of animal shelters in the metroplex

The Senior Source – an organization that serves low-income seniors

Angel Tree Program – a Salvation Army program that fulfills Christmas wishes

Find Joy

Educators often put others before themselves so it’s important to find small things that bring YOU joy and energy. This should be something that’s just for you – no one else. Ask yourself, “What do I enjoy doing?” Then do more of that! (Within reason.) You can also check out these holiday events. You’ll feel inspired by the holiday lights alone.

Tree Lighting Celebration presented by VisitDallas

Holiday at the Arboretum

The Trains at NorthPark Center

Merry and Bright Night at the George W. Bush Presidential Center

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical

Remember to take care of yourself this season. Schedule time to reflect; ask yourself what you need and what would bring you energy. Pour into yourself like you pour into your students. You deserve just as much love as they do.

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Caitlin Drott is in her fourth year as an educator and teaches at Seagoville Middle School. She is passionate about helping her journalism students unlock their creative potential. Before she entered the classroom, Caitlin was an editor of a magazine. She still writes, practicing what she preaches in the classroom.